How I Got Boo’d Off Stage by 350 Londoners | Sometimes a tried and true formula backfires into comedy death
I've been asked to write a short true story about "comedy death"; the worst bombing on stage I ever experienced. ...
I've been asked to write a short true story about "comedy death"; the worst bombing on stage I ever experienced. ...
Well, just when I not only thought I was losing again, but with the advent of the closing of iconic ...
If you're like me, good Wi-Fi is a must these days. In this blog, writer/comedian Steven Alan Green has the ...
The United Airlines fiasco may end up being the opening shot over the bow of a new revolution in ...
Just when you thought gladatorialism is dead…..Here comes Roast Battle….. Steven Alan Green Roast Battling. Photo by Troy Conrad. When ...
Notice: This is a satirical piece about taxes and should not be taken completely seriously, except at the end. Take ...
L.A. gets knocked a lot. Everyone dreams of coming to Hollywood, but its residents all act (myself included) like living ...
Great exposure is something all comedians want. In my case, it’s happening a little too literally. Comic in image not ...
Whatever happened to manners? The last time America understood the phrase "Excuse me..." is when Steve Martin exploded on SNL ... In this premier episode of my new podcast, I interview recent congressional candidate (and former SNL cast member) Gary ...
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