[Money made from the ads running on this page and in the clip were donated to the Alexandria, Va, shelter where I got Gracie. 2 so far. – Andy] I’m uploading this for family. This was the day I came back from Kandahar in Sept. 2005. Life has changed since then. But Gracie is still a good dog. UPDATE: (11-13-2009) – This is crazy. I posted this years ago along with three other clips of my wife in Haiti for my parents to see (Jen does medical missions in Haiti and runs a clinic in Cap Haitien). They still have like 400 hits a piece. This clip had like 30000 hits two days ago. I’m not quite sure where this attention is all coming from. [EDIT: It appears to have started at Mentalfloss.com] Oh, and it was filmed by my wife Jen in our front yard in Springfield, VA.. Gracie is six now. She’s asleep at my feet as I’m typing this. Take care, all – AS UPDATE (11-14-2009). O-kaaaaay. This is getting crazy. They ran this on the Today Show today. I’m not a public person … this is getting a little intimidating. I’m glad that this clip of Gracie has made so many people happy. If it makes you smile, it’s a good thing. But please remember the men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan right now. My buddy Steve Taylor who is in Iraq wrote me to say that it bummed him out, because it reminded him of how much he missed his dog … FINAL UPDATE (11-15-2009) Again, thanks for everyone’s kind words. Yes, we did a short (2-min) spot on the Today Show this morning. They were nice, but I didn’t …

Prepare to be amazed by my best friend, and Heart dog Jesse =o) From skateboarding, and blowing bubbles under water, to hand stands in motion, and double dutch; there’s nothing this little guy can’t do! Jesse loves making people smile, and we hope you enjoy watching Jesse doing one of the many things that he loves; entertaining =o) ***NO part of the video has been sped up, slowed down, or reversed. Jesse is really performing every single trick in this video, including walkin backwards; no “special effects”.*** Jesse is trained using exclusively Positive Reinforcement and Clicker Training. All training has been done by me, and we love learning together as a team. Jesse chooses to do the behaviors in this video, and has so much fun bringing smiles to people’s faces. He gets treats for doing his tricks, and enjoys learning new things. Tricks are just one of the activities we enjoy doing together. When not doing tricks, Jesse can be found playing with his cuz ball, chasing squeaker tennis balls, digging in search for lizards, de-fluffing stuffed toys, swimming, and accompanioning me on outings. Jesse loves adventure, and lives each and every day to its fullest. Jesse is my best friend, heart dog, and truly a member of the family, and I love him with every beat of my heart. ~Heather and Jesse~ Special Thanks to Josh Woodward for the use of the song “Waiting Takes Time” (my favorite Josh Woodward song) =o) Check out more of his amazing music by visiting the links below: joshw …
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