In no way do I condone pestering a dog in order to make their offer calming signals for you to see. I kissed Kiko on the head in this video to show you something that dogs HATE that is often done to them, not that I want to condone it! ? Dogs bite. You should never put your face in a dog’s face.
Calming signals can be offered when you are standing or sitting, I was very close to Splash at one point in this video because it was hard to fit us in the video screen, and Splash is very comfortable with me being that close to her face. Never lean into a dog’s face in order to communicate with them! It’s Threatening! This video is about the secret language of dogs. Some of you might already know about Calming Signals, but the main population that finds out about dog training through Television programs might not.
In this video, I will show you how you can use your dog’s own language to communicate with them. I will also show you how to interpret your dog’s language. Turid Rugaas is an internationally renowned dog trainer who has studied and researched calming signals for over a decade! You can visit her site on calming signals to learn more AND PICK UP ONE OF HER BOOKS AND DVDs on the subject. I also have to say that Turid Rugaas has the best leash walking book out there. My dog pulls-What do I do? I am eternally grateful to Turid for giving me the ability to be able to talk with my dogs in their own language. Here are the main calming signals that I like to use with dogs ... Once you’ve interpreted how your dog is feeling in any given situation, you can use dog body language to help regulate their mood. Here are some suggestions for ways to communicate with a dog depending on the body signals he shows you.
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Use Hand Signals to Communicate with a Dog
To better communicate with your dog, pair a verbal cue with a body signal cue as often as possible. Dogs are experts at reading and noticing body language because that is how they communicate with a dog (others).